Refund & Cancellation


Cancellation made between 24 hrs before booking start time - Flat cancellation fee of 100% of the Lease Rental paid in advance. Refund of the remaining portion of Lease Rental after deduction of Platform Fee.

Cancellation made after booking start time - No refund of Lease Rental paid in advance. Notwithstanding anything contrary stated herein, goadrives reserves the right to withhold any refunds due to cancellations, if goadrives, at its sole discretion, perceives any credit card frauds by a user or where cancellations are made by a user with an intention to defraud goadrives.

Reschedule before start

No modification is allowed to the schedule booking between 0- 4 hours before booking start time.


In case a Guest wishes to extend the booking period, he/she may do so at any time before or after the booking ends. Extension of booking shall be applicable at normal tariff.

Shortening post start

Not allowed. However, Guests can drop the vehicle before booking end time. No charges or refunds applicable.

Shortening/Rescheduling within 24hrs of booking start or booking end.

Guests will not be able to change booking start time or shorten the booking end time within 4 hours prior to the booking start time. No refunds will be applicable. Nevertheless, guests can anytime extend the booking, extension terms provided above shall be applicable.

Late Return

Late return would be charged

Time (duration of rate)

The calculation of the tariff rate is standard I.e 9am to 9am

For more details and enquiries regarding refund and cancellation, drop us a mail at

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